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How it Works
How It Works
Sign Up (5-min)
Complete a quick quiz to see if you're eligible. Your first appointments would start in a week.
Brief chat (30-min)
If needed, we'll chat with you to help pair you with a suitable coach and programme.
Start feeling better
Meet with your coach/counsellor weekly for 6 to 12 weeks, arranged flexibly according to your schedule.
How it Works
Is this right for me?
Whether you want to create a routine, or just need someone to listen, we're here to help!
Sessions typically begin within a week.
Most see strong results within four sessions.
We're entirely funded by grants.
You don't have to pay a penny.
Positive feedback from >500 users receiving interventions endorsed by the UN/WHO!
Worse for complex issues
If you have lots of different problems, it's less likely we can help. Take our quiz to find out.
Not for emergencies
We can't offer urgent support, e.g., those planning to harm themselves or others.
12 weeks maximum
We can't promise to continue helping you for more than twelve weeks.
Not delivered by therapists
Most coaches have master's degrees in psychology, but they aren't practising therapists.
The Numbers
4.8 out of 5
Positive Reviews
Average session rating in 2024
5 days
Time til first appointment
Forecast for next month
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